The Barony of Coeur d’Ennui Welcomes You!
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The Barony of Coeur d’Ennui is a chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) based in Des Moines, Iowa. Coeur d’Ennui is one of six baronies in the Kingdom of Calontir. The SCA is an international, non-profit, educational organization which is dedicated to the research and recreation of historical arts and skills of the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods. As a living history group, the members of the Barony wear the clothing of the Medieval era while taking part in the arts, sciences, combat and other activities of the time.
The Barony hosts a variety of events and meetings throughout the year, including weekly group meetings and practices for our fighters and archers.
Please check us out on Facebook.
In addition to our meetings, members of the populace can be found at larger events on weekends throughout the Kingdom. For a listing of all the events happening around the Kingdom, check out the Kingdom Calendar.
Last updated 10/02/2024